
Week Four (aka not TIE fighting)

This week, FFM is not screening becuase there will be some new experimental films screening at the Bill Bordy via The International Cinema Exposition (TIE) 2008 Retrospective. Our next screening will be on 10/23 and we will screen Stalker.

Here is the info for the VMA event:

The International Cinema Exposition: Retrospective 2008 Emerson Edition
7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
216 Tremont
Bordy Theatre

To coincide with The International Experimental Cinema Exposition (TIE) coming to the ICA, there will be a special showing of some of their featured films

Some highlights include:

Metaphysical Education, Thad Povey (2003, 16mm, sound, 4min, 24fps, USA)
Gravity and the desire to fly battle for a boy's soul. Instead of using tape splices 16mm wide, this film was edited by turning the splicer sideways to reveal the sprockets and the soundtrack. The long cuts run diagonally across the screen and, as the filmstrip slides by, the highest jumper shows the way to the herd.

Transaension, Dan Baker (2006, 16mm, sound, 6.5min, 24fps, USA)
Heartbeat. Out of a sick morass of reds and yellows, blacks, burns, and direct-to-film scratches, arises the (post) post-industrial terror of our collective oil-stained subconscious.

The Influence of Ocular Light Perception on Metabolism in Man and in Animal, Thomas Draschan and Stella Friedrichs (2005,16mm,sound, 6min, 24fps, Austria/Germany)
A found footage piece that uses film from the 1960's and 70's to create an active visual test directed at the audience. The film is synchronized to an Italian sort porn soundtrack from the sixties, which only adds to the eroticizing of the "squeaky clean" imagery.

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